Jai Gurudev !!
Recently we have shifted our residence. A little girl in the opposite house addresses me as "Aththai (aunt) " to her grandma , even before I get myself introduce to her . Her grandma was surprised to hear this from the small 4 year old child and tells me in awe . I believe because of this , the grandma considers me as her kin and showers love on me .
In our previous home , a street dog all of a sudden came from somewhere and sticked herself to us. She used to cutely wag her tail and looks at us with so much love. Though I was not much inclined to the dogs from my childhood, I was attracted to her.I used to feed her regularly in the mornings. She visits our home regularly in the early morning , eats the rice mixed with milk and moves away.Even she gave birth to babies twice near our house , during which time, she never left her babies alone and never allowed anyone to go near that area , but allowed me to go near it and feed her . And finally , on the day of shifting our residence to the new one, she smelt our shifting and was found to be seen very restless , barking continuously at all for no reason . I felt very sorry for her . And yesterday , when I happened to go near the old house, she saw me and she came near me and started licking my toe with so much love.
The neighbour aunty in our old house , who considers Jesus as her Way & Life and speaks Malayalam , just considers me as her own relative and used to shower so much love on me . I never can feel that she is a distant person and I always can say that she is mine.

" I am there in each and every living being . The hunger of the dog is no different from the hunger of mine. "
And also He says ,
" Those who enthrones Me in their heart and sees Me in every living being , I an indebted to them !!"
Jai Sai Ram !!
Love & smiles...
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