Jai Gurudev !!
As humans we are used to lead our live in a particular fashion , we expect the things to happen in one particular way and whenever the things turn topsy-turvy , our moods would go for a toss and we get emotionally upset eventually. This particular behavioural pattern , I started to notice sharply in my ownself of late . And was literally taken aback by my own emotional change .
To quote a few instances ... when even the milkman misses to drop in the milk packet for a day or the maid servant takes off without any prior notice or when the normal daily routine gets affected unexpectedly , immediately my mood would change and in turn I would start to feel uncomfortable . In other words , I could sense the disturbance in the peace of my mind .
Being aware of this , I just continued , having a close watch on my own self.
Just last week , a sudden plan to travel to my native place came in the way. No advance bookings and without any reservations , taken up the train journey and thoroughly enjoyed the above said behavioural pattern of mine with a sarcastic smile to myself .
That moment , a thought came like a flash . Why do we have to expect things to happen in the same monotonous way ? Why not we take up the things in the way as it comes ? Just accepting the things as it happens minimises our worry to almost nill and relieves the mind from unwanted stress and tension.
And this , Lord Buddha has pronounced it rightly as " We are indeed like a falling leaf that is blown and is turning around through the air, wavering and tumbling to the ground.”
How true his words are !!
Just be like a falling leaf ...
Swaying to the tunes of the wind
This way or that way ...
Upside or down !!
What difference doe it make to a leaf !
A Free Flow indeed !!
If at all the leaf thinks ,
it has to move only in a particular direction ,
Will not the leaf undergo a heavy stress
resisting the change in direction against the wind's force ?
Is it not wise to be like a Leaf ..
Taking the life in its own stride
and be free like a bird ?!
Happily singing and flying !!
Love & smiles...