Saturday, October 2, 2010

Gandhi - A *Maha* Atma !!

Jai Gurudev !!

The Nation celebrating the Birthday of its Father ...
The time again , the nation wakes up to ...
the Newspaper ,Television, Radios and other media  relaying 
Gandhi's life history , his words of wisdom , his Satyagraha Principle etc 
His unique appearance with the spectacles and a walking stick , even a small kid of the present age can identify easily.
So, Generations after generations , he is remembered with much awe and reverence and will continue to stay in the hearts of men  for ages and ages !!

Oh ! What a Blessing -
To stay in this world , immortal !!
What an Impact 
has He made on this world !!
Simply proved that
the Great Spiritual Values -
Non Violence , Truth , Determination, Perseverance, sacrifice  
are all immortal !!
Making an ordinary spirit rise to the level of 
Super-Spirit or Great Soul -
The MahaAtma !!

I remember my school days , where we were given a small diary sort of book called as "Sathya Sothanai " ,  ( In English , Test for Truth ) year after year .
The book consists of a page meant for each day- .
At the end of the day, the page needs to be filled as a part of the homework. The page has a selected list of a Test points amounting to a number of about  15 , such as ,
  • Did you behave well today  without hurting others ?
  • Did you speak any lies today ?
  • Did you  steal today ?
  • Did you fight with anyone today ?
  • Did you help anyone today ?
  • Did you do the prayer today ?
A lot of Introspective questions - we have to fill up the tabular column with  a Tick mark or a Cross mark , that would be inspected by the class teacher once a week .
Sometimes , we forget to fill it up , resulting in the punishment . Hence to avoid that , sometimes, we take up the page and start ticking the columns for the whole week at one shot.
And I used to take due care that atleast one or two negative markings are there in a day . Because , I had a feeling that it's impossible for anyone to be 100 % perfect , but later on realised , it can strived to achieve !!
Somehow , this "Test for Truth " book has been the first step for me to enter into the path of Truth !!

The Beautiful Pathway !!

Jai Mahatma !!

Love & smiles....

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Necessity for a Master , the Guru !!

Jai Gurudev !!

Supposing we go a tour to an unknown place in a different part of the world .

How nice it would be , if we could get a proper tourist guide there ?

He'd help us to move around and visit the various tourist spots in that location in an optimum time duration , explaining us the significance of each place , so that we don't miss out anything that ought to be seen .

Then , no need for us to take the tension of finding the route , enquiring  the local people for other amenities like stay , food , commuting etc...

We will feel totally relaxed and at ease with a guide, is it not ?

Just give a thought...

We , as an individual soul are on a visit to this Beautiful , Amazing Earth with a *PURPOSE* ...

The Purpose may be x or y or z  , some might be aware of it and some might not be .

And we don't know , when the end of our journey is going to be indeed !!

No doubt , our TIME of Stay here is LIMITED for sure !

Don't  you think that , we have to get the Maximum out of this  Journey to this pretty Earth ?!

Don't you think , we need to reach the Goal of serving the Purpose , for which we are born of ?!

And How Nice it'd be to have a Guide , a True Guide  to ease our Job ,

helping us to tide over the miseries in this earthly life and attain the Ultimate Joy in life !!

Will not our life be made a Heaven on Earth ?!

Ofcourse  Yes !!

The sanskrit Verse puts it rightly as ,

Papandhakara arka paramparabhyam, thapathryaheendra khageswarabhyam,
Jadyadhi samsoshana vadaveebhyam namo nama sri guru padukhabyam.

Meaning :
Salutations and Salutations to the sandals of my Guru,
Which is like a series of Suns, driving away the dark sins,
Which is like the king of eagles, driving away the cobra of miseries,
And which is like a terrific fire drying away the ocean of ignorance.

Rises the Sun
to Bring the Light in your vision !
Enters the Master 
to lift you up from where you are !!

Love & smiles... 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Salutations to the Sandals of the Guru .....

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Gurur Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Sakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Sri Sri Gurave Namaha !!

Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.


I salute such a Guru !!

Jai Gurudev !!

Right from the day we step into this world , we are always given guidance in the form of
mother , father , relatives, teachers etc...

And all the guidances do come from the same source , that is He !!

We are never left alone at any point of time.

Always taken care of !!

Like how the mother takes care of the baby , the Divine always takes care of us !!

With this confidence , let's walk the Path !!

Ready ....Steady.....Go !!

Love & smiles...

Macau attractions
