Friday, March 23, 2012

A Festival of Bevu Bella ...

Jai Gurudev !!

Today I happened to go to the Sai Baba temple nearby , where I was blessed to listen to wonderful talks of  Baba on the special occasion of Ugadi .

One thing what He said was ,
"Ugadi marks the beginning of New Year and this special day, people follow the practise of having the mixture of Neem and Jaggery. This indirectly indicates us , we ought to take the pains and pleasures in life with the equanimous state of mind .

There is also another meaning to this ,
Jaggery or the sweetness is what we get , if we take the pains of others and work to relieve them of their pains . And the sweetness or the joy gets multifolded , if we share our joy with others .

Neem or the bitterness is what we get , if we keep thinking of our own pains and try to relieve that only. And our sorrow gets even more , if we do not share our joy ,whatever we have with others. "

Secondly He said,
 " Fron this New year onwards , stop comparing yourself with others.
Do you compare yourself with a dog ?
No !!
Because you know very well Dog is a lower being than you.
But why then you compare with other human beings and spoil your mind.
Instead you compare yourself with Me ( God) !! "

By comparing ourself with God , we attain a Higher state of being !!

Love & smiles...

Macau attractions
