Monday, November 6, 2017

Jai Gurudev !!

"Faith moves the Mountains " is a very popular saying . Jesus has said , " if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. "However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting."
Contemplating on these great words , my mind was taken on  a wide tour of numerous instances in our history. If we take the story of Hanuman in Ramayan, the great epic , it's quite amazing to hear his valour and deeds .At one particular point of time, to save Lakshman, Rama's dear brother ,  a herb called Sanjeevani was required and it were to be seen in only the Sanjeevani Hills . Then , Hanuman was asked to bring that herb by Rama  as he was supposed to be the strongest of all  .  And Hanuman  , instantaneously set out on His master's orders .He could not trace out that particular herb, so he decided to lift off the whole hill and carry it to Rama . With the weapon called as mace or Gada in his right hand, he carried the hill in his left hand and flew back to His master without any delay.The people were surprised to see the act of valour by Hanuman.Lakshman was saved , thanks to Hanuman's efforts.

"How could Hanuman do that ?" is a question to ponder . But He had done that as per the purana or history. One thing is very obvious that , it's the *Faith * factor ,which had done the magic. Hanuman is a Great devotee of Rama .

 He is believed to have opened his heart and revealed Ram and Sita , who dwell in His heart. The unshakeable Faith of Hanuman has empowered Him to move the mountain and lift it , no doubt .

Faith has indeed moved the mountain !!
 How aptly has Jesus said it !! 


Love & smiles...

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