Jai Gurudev !!
With the years passing by , our smile rate also reduces gradually. As adolescents , we have our own fun and joy. Still there's much of laughter left with us. On an average , our smile rate reduces to 17 times a day in the adolescent stage.
As adults , how many time we smile in a day ?We can observe our own self and do a self study ...Hardly we give out a Smile from our heart !!
Work tension , equal amount of commitment in home front , we get exhausted so much and we forget even to give a smile at the faces we meet in our day to day life.
And we ask a price to deliver a smile . We need a joke or a light situation for the smile to blossom .And we attend to the humor clubs or laughter clubs to experience a heartfelt laughter .
As kids , how much we smile ?!
It's estimated as 400 times a day !!
Even while sleeping , the baby gives a bright smile and giggles !!
From adolescent stage to adult stage ,we smile lesser and lesser .
Why is this change ?
Does the worries and tensions swallow the Sweet Smile of our face ,
like how the snake swallows the moon during an eclipse ?!
When will we come out of this eclipse ?
Love & smiles....