Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Desalination Plants ...

Jai Gurudev !!

Desalination is the process by which salt and minerals are removed from salt water , so that it can be used for drinking and irrigation purposes .  In regions where there are no Fresh water bodies or where there are no sufficient rains , huge desalination plants are set up to convert the sea water into Fresh water. We can see many such desalination plants in Gulf region . The desalination plant involves multilevel distillation processes to desalinate the water to a higher degree.

Adelaide Desalination Plant, Australia

SaudiAl-KhobarDesalinationPlant .

Though the man made Desalination plants have gained popularity in recent years and the cost involved in the construction and maintenance are enormous , we can see the natural Desalination plants spread across widely especially in the tropical regions near the ocean , in beaches , near rivers and in other places where there are plenty of rainfalls and sunlight . 
The Natural desalination plants are a boon to the humanity . In India we find their extensive cultivation in Kerela . As one can easily guess , it's the coconut tree , which is the subject of discussion.

We can see the Coconut Tree as one such natural desalination plant . It's highly tolerant of salt water .The coconut tree taps the water from the ground and  just purifies it into clean and sweet coconut water and stores it  inside the coconut , which we relish drinking as tender coconuts. It cools our body system and is very good for our health too , a prescriptional medicine for many diseases also. 

San Blas Islands, Panama

Coconut trees in Juan Dolio Beach
  Having discussed of the Man-made and natural desalination plants , it  brings to our mind  , a wonderful comparison to the desalination plants  , that is quite amazing.
It's none other than us Humans .
As humans , we are so much stuck in the material world and we are not aware of own consciousness .And there comes something called as the Knowledge Factor , which acts as the Coconut tree and lifts us to a blissful state from the state of agony and misery . The Knowledge of our self wipes away our miseries, gets us rid off the ignorance ; purifies us and keeps us ever happy . The Knowledge or awareness that one develops during his lifetime can be termed as something very precious and never lost births after births .

  = =

Love & smiles....

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Why do you do the Charity ?

Jai Gurudev !!

With our age moving up , at one point of time , we feel like doing charity or do some service to the needy like Orphanages , Old Age homes or handicapped institutions , donating blood, educatig children , adopting the kids  etc. 
The service may also include other types which is spiritually based like spreading the knowledge of Truth or Self Knowledge  to people through  various spiritual techniques . The spiritual techniques may be Yoga, meditation, Breathing techniques , Prayers , Chanting etc...
Whatever may be the service , the service can be broadly classified into five types as

1. First type is :We do the service just to show off or gain recognition .
     We generally see this type of service in case of politicians or even some rich people to be in the limelight in their social circle.
     They do that because it would gain fame and popularity to them .

2.  Second type : We do the service expecting some merit in future.
It's like we do some charity or help someone because we believe that it's going to fetch some good merit to us in our future.We have the belief that if we do something good to someone , we might get back the same or in multifolds in our next birth or to our children etc.

3.Third Type is : We do the service because it gives us Joy !!
Like if we relieve someone from their troubles or problem , we feel happy . Some thing inside us becomes happy . We feel some unparalled joy sort.
Once that joy of giving joy to others is tasted , then one tends to do similar services more and more to get more joy again and again.

4. Fourth type of Service : We do the service because it is needed at that particular point of time.
Whenever the situation necessitates some immediate action to be taken either by cash or kind , then the service is offered by the individuals without any second thought. Probably , it's like ,we always wait for an opportunity to serve others and just do it , when and where the demand arises.

5. Then come the last type of service , that is , " We serve the people /world as part of our nature " .
We do not even recognise that we are doing some service to others. We just do it as though it's our part of our job or nature. We just cannot keep quiet without doing it .

So, out of the five types of service , the last type of service stands above the rest .
One can see oneself growing in the five levels of service gradually , if they consciously do it , observing their state of mind at each step.

We also can observe one interesting thing here that , the first type of service is simply exhausting , draining out all the energy  whereas the last type of service does not give any tiredness at all and gives more energy and enthusiasm rather!!

So, hope you are in one type of service ?
If so , where do you stand ?!

Love & smiles....


Macau attractions
