Jai Gurudev !!
Just I happened to hear some words of wisdom , which is really enlightening and had avery profound impact in me .The question was ," Which water you would like to be ? "
A Stagnant water ?
A Running water ?
A Rain water ?
Do you choose the ever remaing in comfort-zone stagnant water or
the free flowing , painstaking running water or
be like a shower of rain water be of helpful to each and every living organism ?!

If you want to be always in the comfort zone , not willing to change oneself in attitude or behaviours ,
then obviously we become like a stagnant water body - in due course of time become dirty ,stinking with all worms and insects multiplying , and one fine day cannot be usable at all .
Here the dirt is refererred to the negative thoughts in our mind like anger, aversion, jealous ,lust, greed etc accompanied by the lethargic state of mind.
But , if you opt to be, dynamic ,readiness to take any challenges in life , then like the running water we have to undergo several ups and downs in life . ? But , our mind ever remains clear like the river water ,. Further the river water supports various living organisms on its way as our life will also be useful to many n our way. And finally reaches the river its destination too- the ocean !!
We , as rain water can reach ours too....

There's a still more better way of living rather an ideal way is there -guess what ? - that is like the ever clean rain water !!
The evaporated water from the water bodies forms a cloud and starts pouring as rain , once the cloud gets impreganated with condensed water particles.
The same way , if start reading the knowledge , grasp it and keep absorbing , one fine day acquired knowledge begins to shower down in the form of action . We will start to shower knowledge and love to everyone around us unconditionally just like the pure rain water.
The whole world gains by that !!
But, if willing even the stagnant water can be transformed into the rain water . How ?
Like how the fish in the water tank or pond keeps the water clean , by fetching the qxygen from air into the water , similarly a Guru in our otherwise stagant life can bring in enough knowledge , so that our life gets purified and clean . All our negative thoughts fade away ...Good thoughts only remain with the help of the Guru !!
And by Guru's grace , the stagnant water too gets evaporated and can be showered as Rain !!
Love & smiles...