"Is it mandatory that we need to ask for something , while praying ? "
The other day , a friend of mine raised a question .
Approaching from a different perspective , we can easily arrive at a suitable answer .
Lets assume , a child and its mom going for the shopping in a mall . They wanted to buy some clothing for the child.
All the way to the mall , the child did not keep quiet , kept on asking for it , though the mom had agreed to meet its demand . The child did not stop , until such time it got whatever it needed.
Immediately , the next moment , the child started off again with a fresh demand and just kept on pestering for the same .The patient mom , out of her love for the child , tried her best to meet its' demands .
But, the child did not stop with one or two demands . Next ...next...one more ...one more...
Just imagine the mental state of the mom . She finally would have got fed up of the ever growing demands of the child .
Sometimes her response would be " Okay , take it and get lost !!"
And sometimes, she would not bother to hear the child's demand at all .
Though at times , she would even go to the extent of scolding & beating the child to make it sit quiet and calm .So, coming to our discussion ,
let's put our ownself in the place of the child and
let's put the Divine or the God in the place of the mom and imagine such a situation as above .
Generally ,we call the Divine as The Heavenly Father or The Divine Mother as the path set by our religions .
Though we may feel a bit uneasy to imagine ,
the underlying fact is that , that's what exactly is happening in our cases too .
We go to the places of worship or do the prayers , only to keep on placing one or the other demands to the God .
How disgusting would it be , if we are in the place of the divine !!
Inspite of the divine taking care of our every needs right before we are born , till we die , we never get contented with what we receive at all !!
As the mom knows the needs of the baby well in advance , keeps the food ready even before it starts feeling hungry , nurses the baby during the times of illness , showers love abundantly on the child unconditionally and takes care of the child's every need meticulously with dedication and love .
So, Will not the God or the Divine Mother/Father take care of us and bless us with whatever we need in appropriate time , even before we ask for anything ?!
What if the child , having confidence in its mom , remains happy and relaxed/peaceful all the way to the shopping mall , enjoying the location , laughing and playing , singing and dancing with her ?!
What if we , also have an unshakeable Faith in the Divine that our wishes will all be fulfilled in the right time , in the right way and .... move around in a relaxed and peaceful state of mind , enjoying every moment of our life ?!!
What if we say a word of thanks to God for whatever He is showering on us instead of placing demands after demands ?!
Love & smiles....
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