Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sixth Sense !!

Jai Gurudev !!

When all the animals are born with 5 senses , what's the idea behind the Nature , developing a Human with an additional sense called as sixth sense ?!

As the nature of 5 senses goes , every sense would like to do whatever they want just  unlimited ...
The Eyes get engrossed itself in watching things be it good or bad
The Ears keeps listening to unwanted gossips - nonstop
The Tongue indulges in eating always -the junk food...
The same with the sense of touch and smell too,..

But , by introducing a new sense called as Sixth sense ,
it's made possible to keep a watch on  the other 5 senses from overindulgence rather
to have a control over the 5 senses , the sixth sense is being incorporated !!

Hence with the Sixth sense , the highest form , the Man who has the power to have a say on his senses came into existence !!

But even with that Sixth sense , if we do not have the Self Control, then is the purpose served ?!
Think , Oh Man .. Think !!

Love & smiles...

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