Monday, July 11, 2011

How did I come here ?

Jai Gurudev !!

How did I come here ?
 One question which I used to ask im my young age , say some 5 , 6 years is coming to my mind.I still remember very well, I used to ask that question persistently to my mom ,my grandma, grandpa etc.
I used to get one typical answer. "We were asking for a child to God. So, he came and dropped you inside the house . "
Our house used to have an open space in the middle- a tiled thatched house. I just used to stand in the centre of the house and stare up at the open sky above, wondering how God would have dropped me from above.
I didn't know why that question pestered me so much , that too at that small age.
Though for time being my mouth was made shut by the answers of the elders, that question "How I did I come here ?"  was still lingering in my mind and the search was there.
Soon with the passing years , I came to know about the secrets of the process behind the child birth and  calmed my mind to an extent.
But , the answer to the same question with the matured age , I find is,
" I came here to nullify the karma accumulated in my previous births.
Based on the Karma , my place and time of birth was determined and the family in which I have to be born was also chosen. "

It's strange that one question is being carried over all through my ages.'
Who knows perhaps ,I might get a better anwer in near future !!

Love & smiles...

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