Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What we know and what we might not know !

Jai Gurudev !!

What we know is ....
We breathe to live !!

But do we  know how many breaths we take in and out per minute normally  ?

And do we know how many breaths we take in and out when we are angry ?

And the frequency of our breath is a varying factor  , meaning our breath rate changes with our emotions . Are we aware of this fact ....our own breath ?!

Do you know my breath rate ?
And can you guess my breath rate right at this moment ?


During the Anger/Tensed moments
During the Deep Meditation
No.of breaths per minute
16 to 17
20 to 25
2 to 3

Is it not amazing ?!
  • And what we know is
By breathing , we take in oxygen and leave out Carbon di oxide.

     But do we know  ….

The deeper and longer the breath , the more the amount of oxygen that  enters the  cells and more toxins (CO2) go out of the cells .
This leaves the cells and in turn the body becomes more fresh  , energizing and healthy ;
the mind gets relieved of  tension  and attains a calm and settled state .

And in the calm state , the mind works quite efficiently  .
Not only that , the creativity skills increase , the mind lives in the present moment , does not worry about the past . No fear about the future .And Joy bubbles up for no reason.

  • What we know is :
Tired Person -----> Deep sleep  for 8 hrs  ----> Fresh and rejuvenated

And what we don’t know is ….
Tired person  ----- > Meditation for ½  hr ----> Fresh and rejuvenated.


Deep sleep  for 8 hrs  <-------equivalent to ------> Meditation for ½  hr 

Is it not quite interesting ?

Love & smiles...

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