Sunday, November 21, 2010

Satsang - The environment Uplifter !!

Jai Gurudev !!

Satsang conducted by AOL Teachers Mr.Gururaj
& Mrs.Romna Gururaj.Their son Deivik is also seen.


Satsang in a slum

*Satsang*  in true sense means " The Company of the Truth " or "The True Company ".

It means as....

The company which gives the  upliftment of our soul,
the company which brings eternal Joy and happiness ,
the company which makes us forget our worries and sorrows,
the company which makes us to realise our inner self,
the company which we always look forward without our knowledge,
the company which always will be with us .... the Truth !!

We prefer to be in the company of our friends and relatives , due to which we get joy , no doubt.
But we can not always guarantee that. Sometimes, the negative tendacies also do crop up , like anger , greed, lust , violence etc... And sometimes, this company will pull us down also , making us depressed or feel low in our energy level. Also, this company favours the gossips , negativity , loose talks - the talks which do not have sense at all etc...

The kids actively participating in Satsang.

In the midst of these company , we can find our inner peace, enormous Joy , uplift our energy level in the positive direction in what we call as *Satsang* or the True Company.Not only that , the satsang , which involves the full participation of the people can do wonders . It can purify the environment , uplift the energy level in the surrounding area where it is conducted.
That's the reason , the satsangs when done in the slums , in the midst of the less fortunate people/kids , we can see their face glowing . The people would have forgotten the miseries they are undergoing due to various levels of agonies , they undergo.

That's the concept of Satsang at various low energy level areas.
We can say Satsang as the Power Generator , which brings Light and Love in the lives of the most needed ones at the appropriate time.

The persons participating in Satsangs regularly cannot deny the above fact. 

People having food after satsang

Normally the regular Satsang group , with the intention that the benefit of Satsang should reach the less fortunate people dwelling in slums , orphanages ,

 Blind schools, Old age homes, Handicapped schools, they move out in groups to those areas and conduct satsangs ,
followed by Food Distribution, clothes distribution, other amenities distribution, etc 

Slum Kids relishing the delicacies served

So, one can see every face being lit up with light and Joy , both the conductors of Satsang and the people who are participating .
The Blind School kids being
benefitted  by the satsang.
The Satsang group is also seen around

Satsang leaves everyone with their heart full and mind free ....
No doubt !!

Love & smiles...

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