Thursday, October 23, 2014

Inner Vision - The Real Vision !!

Jai Gurudev !!

The Karnataka welfare Association for the BLIND ( KWAB)  situated in Seshadripuram, Bangalore    is an NGO depending totally upon the  DONORS  for looking after the partially to fully vision impaired children  , ages ranging from 4 years upto 18 years and above. The Asssociation has been working for teh last 3 decades and above.
About 95 kids are being taken care of by this organization including their studies , accommodation , food and other amenities . 7 College students are also included in this school.
The Secretary for this organization is Mr.Murthy , who himself is vision impaired and he manages to run the show with such a great efficacy and skill . Very admirable indeed !!

Manikantan exhibiting his Mimicry talent

We ( My friend Kalavathi and myself)  had the intention to conduct the Bala Chethna Shibir program from The Art of Living , which is a wonderful program developed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Guruji for the benefit of the poor kids above the age group of 8 years. The program is a beautiful module , which empowers the kids with pranayama / mediation techniques to sharpen their skills  and  improve their health along with the knowledge on the basic life skills , leading to their overall development .

The Secretary Sir and other people in their team are very co-operative and arranged the hall readily for us to conduct the program. The Day 1 session started on Oct 18, 2014 with the  kids introducing themselves by telling their names and classes they study . One boy by name Manikantan is capable of doing Mimicry and entertained the kids with his telephonic conversation mimicry, Dogs barking mimicry etc.

Kids enjoying their friend's mimcry

The children were curious in listening to us and attended the session with great interest . They also learnt the pranayam techniques with enthusiasm and participated fully in the games/story sessions etc.

Suvetha & Kalavathi conducting the Bala Chethana Shibir session

We could see that at the end of the session , all had glided into the meditative state very naturally and felt very happy for the same . They thanked Guruji for this wonderful opportunity.
We too..

The Blind school kids in Cloud Nine.

Contact Details in case you wish to help these under privileged kids :

 The Karnataka Welfare Association for the Blind ,
No. 69, 1st Main Nehru Nagar, S.C Road
Seshadripuram, Banglore
Phone No: 080-23369703
Contact Person: Mr. S.P.Murthy - 9741122706

Jai Gurudev !!

Macau attractions
